Linepirates Wiki

A Collection is all the Cards a Player Owns. There are two ways to organize these cards:

  • A Deck is a subset of Cards from their Collection
  • A Deck Plan can be created from any existing Card

Command Groups[]

Decks and Deck Plans must follow the Chain of Command and the rules for what constitutes an allowable Command Group:

  • Platoon (7+1) - Exactly 7 Enlisted per Platoon, plus one Leader. No Squad can be formed among the Enlisted. Everyone in a Platoon must share one same 'Verse.
  • Company (24+1) - Exactly 3 Platoons per Company. If all Platoons share the same 'Verse, then one Commander card from that same 'Verse may be included. The company is then called Complete.
  • Battalion (75+1) - Exactly 3 Companies per Battalion. A Hero card may be included from the 'Verse of any Complete Company. Companies may be of differing or the same 'Verse, as desired.
  • Irregulars (up to 7) - Decks may also have up to 7 extra Enlisted personnel without an Officer. Irregulars must be capable of forming a Platoon (i.e. cannot form a Squad, same 'Verse).

Valid Decks[]

Every Game Format specifies:

  • Commander N - The number of Commander cards, where N=1, 2, or 3
  • Hero Allowed? - Yes or No, whether a Hero can be included. Can only be Yes in Commander 3 Formats
  • Vanguard N - The number of initial Vanguard Cards

Reinforcements must be exactly 0, 1, or 2 Platoons. Reinforcements and Vanguard for a single deck are definable per Format.

No deck may contain two of the same named card. However, two different cards with exactly the same attributes but with different names / from different sets are allowed.

Decks cannot be saved unless they have a valid Chain of Command. Before a Deck is submitted for play, the following checks are made:

  • Reinforcements are included, then Irregulars, then the first N Companies from Commander N, and finally a Hero if Allowed
  • Vanguard N is checked to see if all cards are in the Deck made in the previous step
  • Other Format constraints in the Deck are made

If any of these checks fail, the deck is invalid for that Format. There is a Format Checker in the Deck Manager that returns a human readable message why they deck failed validation.

Duty Station[]

The Duty Station is where you manage your Cards outside of a Game. It consists of:

We want a chain of command / deck manager that interfaces nicely with our collection manager. The deck manager should allow us to name every Command Group, as well as assign a functional purpose from a dropdown (Attackers, Defenders, Anti-Vehicle, etc.).

One card may be shared among several platoons, but our deck manager should visually flag that in red if they are put into the same deck. In general, all deck-building violations should be visually tagged.

We expect card collections for the casual player to be around a hundred+ cards, and for the serious player to be several hundred, perhaps a thousand+. We should be able to search in a variety of ways for cards. If players have large collections, have ways to search for platoons/cards; ways to favorite often-used cards, and ability to have collections of platoons and/or saved decks or to tag them and have tag clouds.

TTD Clean up this section with a description of the deck manager once we've built it

Deck Power[]


M = #Main Deck cards
R = #Reinforcements cards

Then the Deck Power is:

Deck Power = (sum Main Deck Power + sum Reinforcements Power) * M / (M+R)

Refer to Card Power.


Official Rules
Zones ArrowMiniBlueLeft Deck Building ArrowMiniBlueRight Spot